In the release notes for Version 11 Beta, under changes, I see these scary

Remove relhaspkey column from system table pg_class (Peter Eisentraut)

Applications needing to check for a primary key should consult pg_index.

That absolutely breaks my code (and I'm guessing others), as I have a cron
job that checks for tables that were created with no pkey.
IE: SELECT n.nspname,
       c.relname as table,
  FROM pg_class c
  JOIN pg_namespace n ON (n.oid =c.relnamespace )
 WHERE relkind = 'r' AND
       relname NOT LIKE 'pg_%' AND
       relname NOT LIKE 'sql_%' AND
       relhaspkey = FALSE
ORDER BY n.nspname, c.relname;

relhaspkey has been in pg_class since the earliest version of PostgreSQL.
there is NO NEED to remove it! In fact, the system catalogs should only be
changed when there is an absolute requirement, not at someone's whim.
Adding a column is fine, but dropping columns that breaks code is

Please restore that column before the final release!

*Melvin Davidson*
*Maj. Database & Exploration Specialist*
*Universe Exploration Command – UXC*
Employment by invitation only!

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