## Andreas Joseph Krogh (andr...@visena.com):

> This results in this verver_version:
> 10.5 (Ubuntu 10.5-1.pgdg18.04+1)
> Is it possible to adjust this somehow so it outputs only "10.5"?

On Debian/Ubuntu, all version strings are somewhat extended.
Luckily, with the power of SQL we're not completely helpless, so try
this in your .psqlrc (somewhat simpler than your prompt, but you
get the idea):

select substring(current_setting('server_version') from '#"[^ ]+#"( +%)?' for 
'#') as short_server_ver\gset
\set PROMPT1 '%/ %:short_server_ver: %R%# '

Yes, that works across \c.

Happy prompting,

Spare Space.

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