On 09/04/2018 07:14 AM, Thomas Poty wrote:
> Do you just change the IP address of the "restore target"?
Do you expect a typical restore command?

I'm investigating barman and pgBackRest to replace our exitsing NetBackup system, so don't know what you mean by "typical restore command".

Here are our typical use cases:

1. If my barman backup server has full backups, diffs and WALs for database server MAIN_PG_SERVER, which hosts databases D1, D2 and D3, how much work is it to do a PITR restore of D2 to a *different* Pg server?

2. Can I restore an older copy of database D2 to MAIN_PG_SERVER, *giving it a new name* (so that now there would be databases D1, D2, D3 *and D2_OLD*)? That's pretty trivial on SQL Server, and something I've had to do before so the operations staff can research a problem.)


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