On Thu, Sep 13, 2018 at 7:05 PM Chris Williams <cswilli...@gmail.com> wrote:

> We just have a few ruby on rails applications connected to the database,
> and don't really have any long running or heavy queries and the db is under
> very light load, so I don't understand why it takes so long to shutdown.
> We do have a sizeable number of connections though (about 600) and there
> are two replicas connected to it.  I also tried
> setting idle_in_transaction_session_timeout to 300 seconds to see if that
> would help, but it made no difference.

If you only have a few rails apps connected to the DB and a very light
load, may be you can try reducing the number of connections (how big are
your connection pools?) and see if that helps. 600 seems to be a big value
for just a few apps and a light load.

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