On 9/19/18 5:40 AM, ncontu wrote:
Hi Fabio,
It used to work before, even without installing updates.

Exactly, the suspicion is that something in the updates changed the behavior of your system.

I got two interfaces : private IP and localhost

Selinux is disabled.
I tried installing it from source, from git repo. Can't find the RPM, do you
have any link for centos7?

I believe Fabio is talking about the Postgres community repo:


This would be a repo change if you are currently using the CentOS repos.

I tried both /etc/init.d and command line, same issue.
Tried with a new user called pgbouncer, same issue

This is the result of lsof :

[root@cmd-dev1 /]# lsof -n | grep 6543
postmaste  80762               postgres   10r     FIFO                0,9
0t0     665436 pipe
postmaste  80762               postgres   11w     FIFO                0,9
0t0     665436 pipe


Sent from: http://www.postgresql-archive.org/PostgreSQL-general-f1843780.html

Adrian Klaver

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