Why must an array have an even number of elements? I need to use a trigger function on any table, some of which may have an odd number of columns that I want to cleanse before inserting/updating.

Is there a workaround for this?

ERROR: array must have even number of elements

SQL state: 2202E

Context: SQL statement "SELECT ($1 #= hstore(array[trim(replace(regexp_replace($1.c,'( ){2,}',' ','g'),' ',' ')),trim(replace(regexp_replace($1.vc,'( ){2,}',' ','g'),' ',' ')),trim(replace(regexp_replace($1.t,'( ){2,}',' ','g'),' ',' '))])).*" PL/pgSQL function store.trim_string_before_dml() line 44 at EXECUTE

--  my test table
create table dm.trg_test (c character(8), vc varchar(16), t text);
insert into dm.trg_test (c,vc,t) values ('ctest',' vctest ',' ttest ');

-- code snippet that produced the error.
-- new will be substituted for $1 during execution with using clause
l_query_string := 'select ($1 #= hstore(array[' || l_column_list || '])).*';
execute format(l_query_string) using  new into   new;
return new;

Thanks for your help!

Susan E Hurst
Principal Consultant
Brookhurst Data LLC
Email: susan.hu...@brookhurstdata.com
Mobile: 314-486-3261

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