Thank you for the detailed report Charles. I think you may be missing the
“returning id” clause in the insert. Can you verify it works when you use
“returning id”? Thanks!
On Sun, Sep 30, 2018 at 7:57 PM Charles Clavadetscher (SwissPUG) <> wrote:

> Hello
> On 30.09.2018 23:31:32, Adrian Klaver <> wrote:
> On 9/30/18 1:13 PM, Carl Sverre wrote:
> > Thanks for the initial results. Can you check that you are not using
> > super permissions and are enabling row security when running the test?
> > Super ignores row security.
> Yeah, big oops on my part, I was running as superuser. Running as
> non-superuser resulted in the failure you see. I tried to get around
> this with no success. My suspicion is that the new row in b is not
> visible to the returning(SELECT) query in a until after the transaction
> completes. Someone with more knowledge on this then I will have to
> confirm/deny my suspicion.
> >
> > Also yes, I forgot to add the policy names, sorry about that.
> > On Sun, Sep 30, 2018 at 1:34 AM Charles Clavadetscher (SwissPUG)
> > > wrote:
> >
> > Hello
> --
> Adrian Klaver
> *[Charles] :* I also made the first test as super. However I still don't
> get any errors when executing the test query as non superuser.
> The user is not superuser:
> testuser@charles.localhost=> SELECT CURRENT_USER;
>  current_user
> --------------
>  testuser
> (1 row)
> testuser@charles.localhost=> \du testuser
>            List of roles
>  Role name | Attributes | Member of
> -----------+------------+-----------
>  testuser  |            | {}
> The table privileges show that RLS is enabled and that testuser has
> SELECT and INSERT privilege on both tables. This is not related to RLS but
> simple precondition for the test:
> testuser@charles.localhost=> \d a
>                 Table "public.a"
>  Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default
> --------+------+-----------+----------+---------
>  id     | text |           |          |
> Policies (forced row security enabled):
>     POLICY "a_insert" FOR INSERT
>       WITH CHECK (true)
>     POLICY "a_select" FOR SELECT
>    FROM b
>   WHERE ( =
> Triggers:
> reprohandler()
> testuser@charles.localhost=> \dp a
>                                          Access privileges
>  Schema | Name | Type  |    Access privileges    | Column privileges |
>       Policies
> --------+------+-------+-------------------------+-------------------+------------------------------
>  public | a    | table | charles=arwdDxt/charles+|                   |
> a_select (r):               +
>         |      |       | testuser=ar/charles     |                   |
>         |      |       |                         |                   |
>  FROM b                   +
>         |      |       |                         |                   |
> WHERE ( =     +
>         |      |       |                         |                   |
> a_insert (a):               +
>         |      |       |                         |                   |
> (c): true
> testuser@charles.localhost=> \d b
>                 Table "public.b"
>  Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default
> --------+------+-----------+----------+---------
>  id     | text |           |          |
> testuser@charles.localhost=> \dp b
>                                Access privileges
>  Schema | Name | Type  |    Access privileges    | Column privileges |
> Policies
> --------+------+-------+-------------------------+-------------------+----------
>  public | b    | table | charles=arwdDxt/charles+|                   |
>         |      |       | testuser=ar/charles     |                   |
> And now the test:
> testuser@charles.localhost=> SELECT * FROM a;
>  id
> ----
> (0 rows)
> testuser@charles.localhost=> SELECT * FROM b;
>  id
> ----
> (0 rows)
> testuser@charles.localhost=> INSERT INTO a VALUES ('fails');
> NOTICE:  inside trigger handler
> INSERT 0 1
> testuser@charles.localhost=> SELECT * FROM a;
>   id
> -------
>  fails
> (1 row)
> testuser@charles.localhost=> SELECT * FROM b;
>   id
> -------
>  fails
> (1 row)
> Version of PG:
> testuser@charles.localhost=> SELECT version();
>                           version
> ------------------------------------------------------------
>  PostgreSQL 10.5, compiled by Visual C++ build 1800, 64-bit
> (1 row)
> Regards
> Charles
> --
Carl Sverre

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