On Fri, Dec 14, 2018 at 02:47:12PM +0300, Dmitry Igrishin wrote:
> пт, 14 дек. 2018 г. в 14:33, Oleg <lego12...@yandex.ru>:
> >
> > Hi, all.
> >
> > Do we really need a numeric value placeholders like $1 in command string?
> It's a syntax defined at the backend side.
> (https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/sql-prepare.html)

I know this, but i can't understand why this approach is used.

> > Construction of such string for complex non-static queries is very annoying.
> That's why there are libraries like Pgfe
> (https://github.com/dmitigr/pgfe) or libpqtypes

This is C++ :-(.

> (http://libpqtypes.esilo.com/)

This is great! PQexecf() is what i need. Why this api is not the part of libpq?
Thank you for the link!

> > Why do we can't simply use $$ placeholder, which take the next value from an
> > array of values?
> Because $$ means a dollar-quoted opening tag
> (https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/sql-syntax-lexical.html#SQL-SYNTAX-DOLLAR-QUOTING)

Ok. We can use any other placeholder string for such purpose. But not numeric
placeholders - these are not convenient.

Олег Неманов (Oleg Nemanov)

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