After thinking about this one for a while, I imagined even more nightmarish
scenarios than what you've just described here, and mapping the source
columns no longer seems like a viable idea.

Fortunately, there are a few work arounds I can rely on that particular to
our database design, which means I will be able to use the system catalogs
in  a round about way.

Incidentally, I have become interested in the pg_node_tree type. I can't
find much info on it. Would that be in the source? What would be the first
steps for writing an extension for this sort of thing?


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On Wed, Sep 25, 2019 at 2:54 PM Tom Lane <> wrote:

> Matt Andrews <> writes:
> > I'm trying to map view columns to their source columns using the system
> > catalogs and information schema, but not having much luck.  It's easy to
> > determine which columns a view *depends *on, but not how those columns
> are
> > mapped to the columns of the view. It seems like the only way to do is
> this
> > is to somehow query the pg_node_tree in pg_rewrite.ev_call.
> Yeah, that's what you'd have to do.  The system doesn't track this
> any more finely than "does the view as a whole depend on this column",
> partly because we don't need to and partly because it's hard to define
> reasonably.  What do you want to do with, say,
>         select a, b+c from tab;
> It gets even more interesting when you think about aggregates and
> other advanced features:
>         select a, max(b) as mb from tab group by a;
> Any reasonable semantic analysis would have to conclude that the
> mb column depends on both a and b.
> Once you had answers to these definitional questions, you could
> think about analyzing the view's query tree to get the answers
> you want.  Unfortunately, doing that from client side is not
> supported at all; if you try you'll find yourself maintaining
> a lot of messy code that we *will* break on a regular basis.
> It would be less hard in a backend extension, but I suspect
> you don't want to go there :-(
>                         regards, tom lane

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