
due to a set of bugs and wrong manip, an inappropriate update have been
done into a production DB.
After that, quite a long set of valuables inserts and updates have been
done and needs to be kept.
Obviously getting a backup and applying pitr will get us just before the
offending update.
Now, we need to find a way of extracting, either from the ex prod db, or
from the wals, the "good" transactions to be able to re-apply them.

This did already happen on a Prod  Oracle DB, and recovering was possible
with a :
select * from table_name AS OF TIMESTAMP TO_TIMESTAMP('09052019
0900','MMDDYYYY HH24MI');
to get most things done after the problem.
As we are currently moving out of Oracle, we must prove to the business
people that our new postgres env is fine.
So, ... any idea ?


Senior Architect

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