pg_settings still show localhost. I went back and added the line that
someone suggested to my "pg_hba" file so the end of mine now looks like

host all all md5
host all all ::1/128 md5

When I run "netstat -nlt | grep 5432", I still only get "tcp" As I mentioned be-fore, I also see "" on various
ports including 5432 but I have a listing for tcp6 that has my static IP
using port 32305. Is it supposed to be like that? Also, her is the weird
thing, I have two "postgresql.conf" and "pg_hba" files in two different
locations. I have one in "/usr/local/pgsql/data" and another set at
"/etc/postgresql/9.4/main." I just discovered this situation. I edited both
sets of files to have the same setting and still nothing. It seems that
some-thing very screwy is going on.

Jason L. Amerson

-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Lane <> 
Sent: Thursday, November 21, 2019 02:53 PM
To: Mark Johnson <>
Cc: Jason L. Amerson <>; Steve Crawford
<>; Adrian Klaver <>;
PostgreSQL <>
Subject: Re: Remote Connection Help

Mark Johnson <> writes:
> As I recall, if the listening address is set to '*' but is showing 
> localhost, then the problem you describe is likely due to missing an 
> IPv6 address in pg_hba.conf.

No, the contents of pg_hba.conf don't directly impact the listen_addresses
setting.  Also, if that's where the problem is, I'd expect a failure
complaining about "no pg_hba.conf entry for <connection info>".  The
reported "connection refused" message suggests strongly that the postmaster
isn't actually listening on the desired port, which also implicates
listen_addresses rather than anything else.  (I think it could also be
caused by a firewall filter, if the firewall is configured to send back a
TCP RST rather than just drop the packet.  But if "show listen_addresses"
isn't showing what we expect, that's the first thing to fix.)

The OP may well need to adjust pg_hba.conf too, but he's not got that far
yet :-(

                        regards, tom lane

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