On 06/03/2020 16:14, Andrei Zhidenkov wrote:

If it's a single command you're trying to limit `SET statement_timeout TO 
<whatever>` should do the trick.

This will set only statement timeout but won’t work for long transactions that 
contain a lot of short statements.

If you want it based on the session's cumulative statement time, off the top of 
my head I can't think of anything in vanilla PG without using executor hooks 
(that requires some coding).

Yes, that’s exactly I want to do.

If the queries that worry you are long-lived, you might be able to get by with 
a scheduled process checking against pg_stat_activity (eg: age(query_start)) 
and adding the current query's run-time to some per-session total, but it's an 
highly inaccurate process.

I think in my case I should check `xact_start`, because not every query 
initiates a new transaction.
That way you'd also be counting in time a given transaction spent idling, which IME is one of the biggest source of concurrency headaches if it's holding locks while doing nothing.
If your use case is unaffected by that, that'd be good news for you.


Fabio Ugo Venchiarutti
OSPCFC Network Engineering Dpt.
Ocado Technology


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