På onsdag 03. juni 2020 kl. 18:50:12, skrev Jeremy Schneider <
schnj...@amazon.com <mailto:schnj...@amazon.com>>: 
> On 6/2/20 1:30 PM, Stephen Frost wrote:
 >> No, nothing does as PG doesn't support it as we have one WAL stream for
 >> the entire cluster.

 On 6/2/20 11:38, Ron wrote:
 > Right. Making WAL files specific to a database should be high on the
 > list of priorities.

 Did Oracle change this? Last time I looked, I don't think Oracle
 supported local redo in their multitenant architecture either. 

Regardless of what Oracle does, I agree this would be a huge step in the right 
direction for pg-DBAs. 
I have absolutely no clue about how much work is required etc., but I think 
it's kind of strange that no companies have invested in making this happen. 

 Andreas Joseph Krogh 

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