Jeremy Wilson <> writes:
> I did a completely fresh initdb to get clean logs:

> ...
> free(): invalid pointer
> 2020-11-13 11:30:05.292 EST [205647] LOG:  server process (PID 205659) was 
> terminated by signal 6: Aborted

This is highly significant.  It suggests that you're getting bit by the
postgis crash-in-atexit problem that a couple of people have reported
(and which, unfortunately, we don't yet know the exact cause of).
I now suspect that something similar is happening earlier in the process
and preventing template1 from getting created, or maybe it's created but
then we can't access it.

Are you by any chance trying to preload any of the postgis-related
extensions?  If so, try not doing that.

                        regards, tom lane

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