Thomas Kellerer wrote:

>    arthur=> \set AUTOCOMMIT off

Alternatively, start an explicit transaction block with BEGIN.
The point is that the lifespan of the cursor is the transaction block
in which it's instantiated.
>    arthur=> select * from get_results();
>        get_results
>    --------------------
>     <unnamed portal 1>
>     <unnamed portal 2>

Friendlier names may be used by assigning them in the function,
i.e. plpgsql does support:

  c1 refcursor := 'mycursorname';

Then the caller might simply hardcode the cursor names in the FETCH
statements rather than building them dynamically at runtime.

Also it allows to put the server-side code into an anymous DO block
instead of creating a function, because it doesn't have to return
any refcursor when the caller already knows the cursor names.

DO $$
declare c refcursor := 'c_pgclass';
  open c for select relname from pg_class;
end $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

FETCH ALL from c_pgclass;

This form might be closer to how inline blocks of code are
written with some other db engines, when they produce resultsets 
without an explicit cursor interface.

Best regards,
Daniel Vérité
PostgreSQL-powered mailer:
Twitter: @DanielVerite

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