On 1/15/21 6:35 AM, Kristi Kangas wrote:

 I see on your website that PostgreSQL is released under an Open Source license.

 Do you consider addendums proposed by your users, modifying the posted license terms?

I believe that is answered further down on the page:

"Will PostgreSQL ever be released under a different license?

The PostgreSQL Global Development Group remains committed to making PostgreSQL available as free and open source software in perpetuity. There are no plans to change the PostgreSQL License or release PostgreSQL under a different license.


  Thank you.

_From your website:_

PostgreSQL is released under the *PostgreSQL License* <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.opensource.org/licenses/postgresql__;!!LAlM4g!ilTFCBLmWeCcHFgyYw1iwH_9ELPG3QxpJBsbWgvL0rQtS4Kkfgv0fLuOZCAevyCwfZM$>, a liberal Open Source license, similar to the BSD or MIT licenses.

Kristi Kangas

Procurement and Support Services



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