On 23-01-2021 20:49, Adrian Klaver wrote:
On 1/23/21 10:20 AM, Condor wrote:
On 23-01-2021 18:31, Adrian Klaver wrote:
On 1/23/21 4:57 AM, Condor wrote:

So do an UPDATE and the RETURN NULL to cancel the INSERT. Untested example:

UPDATE arhive_table SET sendto = 0, uts = date_part('epoch',
CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)::integer WHERE contract = NEW.contract AND service
= NEW.service;


Yep, I think about this update and was my first approach but need to be done only if end_date is different. If end_date is the same this mean contract still exists so only update lastseen column, if the lastseen is not updated other process will read not seen contracts and will generate report and send them to delete services. If lastseen is changed and sendto is zero again, mean end_date is changed and need to be send new end_date again to other systems.

So add an:

ELSIF enddate = FROM NEW.end_date THEN

and do UPDATE of lastseen column.

Honestly I think this better handled by the external program that
doing the transformation.


I'm sorry, I don't understand something. You mean to do pure INSERT ON CONFLICT DO or to modify the trigger ?

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