Could you use the SQLite FDW - ?


On Wed, Dec 22, 2021 at 1:27 PM David Gauthier <>

> Hi:  I need a sanity check (brainstorming) before I jump into coding
> something that might have a better solution known to a community like this
> one.  Here's the situation...
> To begin with... PG 11.5 on linux.
> Some code (nature unimportant to this discussion) generates a lot (a lot)
> of data and stuffs it in a SQLite DB which, once the process is complete,
> gets zipped (compression ratio seems to be about 5). We want to keep this
> data in a persistent store which others can get at should they need it.
>  PG seems like a great place to put this especially as the identifying
> context of the SQLite already exists in our PG DB.
> So I was thinking about storing the zipped SQLite as a blob in PG.  The
> record it would be added to would give it all the context needed for proper
> retrieval.  After retrieval (in a perl script) I was thinking about writing
> it out to the shell, unzipping it and then opening it using perl/DBI.  The
> metadata of the SQLite could be replicated in a temp table in PG and the
> data content loaded into that for use.  In theory, multiple SQLite DBs
> could be opened like this and then loaded in the same temp tables (as long
> as the metadata is the same... which it will be).
> OK, so that's the plan.  What I want to ask this community about is
> whether or not there's a better way to approach this.  Brute force loading
> the SQLite data in regular PG tables would result in billions of records
> and the DB management issues that come with that.  And there's really no
> need to keep all that data immediately accessible like that.  Is there some
> sort of innate PG functionality that would allow me to store and then
> compress my data for targeted retrieval/decompression (even if it's not
> accessible to SQL in that form) ?
> OK, you get the picture.  I'm all ears :-)  And thanks in advance for any
> suggestions !

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