Coming back to this thread after a while.. we have to remove OID on a 6 TB
(5 TB of indexes) table and ALTER TABLE is gonna block the table and is
gonna take hours...

We operate on pretty much 0 outage.... we do have a passive site on which
we will be doing the activity.. if not ALTER TABLE.. is there any other way
to achieve this ? I think logical replication does not allow replicating
from one table to another ?


On Sun, 16 May 2021 at 11:00 am, David G. Johnston <> wrote:

> On Saturday, May 15, 2021, Venkata B Nagothi <> wrote:
>> *ERROR:  column c.relhaspkey does not exist at character 33*
>> Below is the query generating the error :
>> STATEMENT:  SELECT c.relname AS table_name, c.relhaspkey AS
>> has_primary_key FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c, pg_catalog.pg_namespace n WHERE
>> c.relkind = 'r' AND c.relnamespace = n.oid AND n.nspname = $1
>> Any advice on how bad it is and how to get rid of it would be great.
> Figure out what is issuing the query and either fix it or upgrade to a
> version that has been fixed.

Upon googling, I came to know that this error occurs when a connection to
higher version Postgres using lower version binaries. So, might be some
job/script in our environment is using 9.5 binaries against 11 version
which is generating this error. Will check that out.


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