Le ven. 9 déc. 2022 à 06:27, Ron <ronljohnso...@gmail.com> a écrit :

> On 12/8/22 23:08, Zhao, Bing wrote:
> *Categorization: Unclassified *
> We are running PG11.11, and have more than 50T LO data about load into the
> pg_largeobject table. But 32T is the limitation.
> We have created couple child tables that using inheritance to
> pg_largeobject, and we have tried use triggers(insert or update) to put
> into child tables. It doesn’t work by use LO functions, ex lo_put,
> lo_create…seems never got triggered. But works with insert statement into
> the pg_largeobject.
> If we move LO data from root table to child, lo_get will break.
> Any ideas?
> Out of curiosity, why inheritance instead of declarative partitioning?


Pg_largeobject is a system table belonging to the pg_catalog schema.

You cannot customize it(partition,reindex concurrently...) like any other
Maintenance operations on pg_largeobject are also limited, repack extension
cannot work on pg_catalog schema.

We encounter a problem with largeobjects on production databases, a few
weeks ago. My colleague sent a message to the community, and most of the
first feedback that he has received were : "why did you still use this
technology from the last century? "
After this adventure, we have decided to stop using them in the months to
come. It will help us to use logical replication for our next technical

Alternatives to pg_largeobject can be:
- using byteA columns, largeobjects will be stored in a toast structure,
linked to the corresponding table. If your largeobjects are stored in
different tables, your data will be spread into different objects, it could
be easier to maintain.
- store binary data outside the database (if it is possible)

> --
> Angular momentum makes the world go 'round.

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