> On 19/01/2023 00:09 CET Hilbert, Karin <i...@psu.edu> wrote:
> I manage some PostgreSQL clusters on Linux. We have a Primary & two Standby
> servers & for Production, there is also a DR server. We use repmgr for our HA
> solution & the Standbys are cloned from the Primary using the repmgr standby
> clone command.
> My manager asked for a report of all the user databases & their sizes for each
> server in the cluster. I used the psql "\l+" command & then extracted the
> database name & the size from the output. I expected the databases to be the
> same size on the Standbys as on the Primary, but I found that some of the
> databases were smaller on the Standby servers than on the Primary.
> For example, the output on the Primary for one of the user databases showed
> as: 8997 kB, but on the Standbys, it was 8849 kB.

The standbys could be missing some indexes because schema changes are not
replicated and must be applied manually.

> I even dropped the database on the Primary & then restored it from a backup.
> Then checked the sizes again & they still showed the difference.
> I also found that the template1 database on the Primary was 7821 kB, but on
> the Standbys, it was 7673 kB. Is this normal? Why would the sizes be 
> different?

Is template1 identical (schema and data) on primary and standby?

Could also be different page sizes. But that's a compilation option. What does
SHOW block_size say on those systems?


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