I would be really happy if postgresql  had an upper case version of the ß
german character. The wiki page

indicates that the capital (U+1E9E ẞ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER SHARP S) was
encoded <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Codepoint> by ISO 10646
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_10646> in 2008.

BTW the reason that I'd like upper('ß') to give something different than
'ß'  is because I have written a simple substitution puzzle for a large
number of languages where I show the encrypted lower case words in upper
case and the successful letter substitution submissions in lower case - so
I need the upper and lower case versions of each letter to be different!

Thanks for any assistance! Maybe I can hack what I want in python (which is
what I am using for the puzzle).

Celia McInnis

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