On Sun, May 7, 2023 at 8:42 PM Laurenz Albe <laurenz.a...@cybertec.at>

> On Sat, 2023-05-06 at 03:14 +0200, Marc Millas wrote:
> > postgres 14.2 on Linux redhat
> >
> > temp_file_limit set around 210 GB.
> >
> > a select request with 2 left join have crashed the server (oom killer)
> after the postgres
> > disk occupation did grow from 15TB to 16 TB.
> >
> > What are the cases where postgres may grow without caring about
> temp_file_limit ?
> That's too little information for a decent answer.
> One obvious answer is: if it is not writing temporary files.
> Yours,
> Laurenz Albe

Logical ...

so here is a little more info:

db=# analyze myschema.table_a;

db=# with ta as(select 'myschema' as s, 'table_a' as t), p as (select *
from information_schema.columns, ta where table_schema=ta.s and
table_name=ta.t),  tableid as(select relid from pg_stat_user_tables, ta
where schemaname=ta.s and relname=ta.t) select staattnum, column_name,
stanullfrac, stadistinct from tableid, pg_statistic join p on
p.ordinal_position=staattnum where starelid=tableid.relid order by
 staattnum | column_name  | stanullfrac | stadistinct
         1 | col_ne     |           0 |  -0.6100224
         2 | col_brg    |      0.0208 |           6
         3 | col_ano    |           0 |      447302
         4 | col_ine    |           0 |  -0.5341927
         5 | col_cha    |           0 |          11
(5 rows)

db=# select count(*) from myschema.table_a;
(1 row)

db=# select count(distinct col_ano) from myschema.table_a;
(1 row)

// stats looks somewhat absurd, as analyze guess 20 times less distinct
values as a select distinct does on column col_ano...
db=# analyze myschema.table_b;
db=# with ta as(select 'myschema' as s, 'table_b' as t), p as (select *
from information_schema.columns, ta where table_schema=ta.s and
table_name=ta.t),  tableid as(select relid from pg_stat_user_tables, ta
where schemaname=ta.s and relname=ta.t) select staattnum, column_name,
stanullfrac, stadistinct from tableid, pg_statistic join p on
p.ordinal_position=staattnum where starelid=tableid.relid order by
 staattnum |   column_name   | stanullfrac | stadistinct
         1 | col_nerg      |           0 |      161828
         2 | col_ibi       |           0 |      362161
         3 | col_imi       |           0 |      381023
         4 | col_ipi       |           0 |      391915
         5 | col_ne        |           0 | -0.53864235
         6 | col_ano       |           0 |      482225
(6 rows)

db=# select count(*) from myschema.table_b;
(1 row)

db=# select count(distinct col_ano) from myschema.table_b;
(1 row)

//same remark

db=# explain  select distinct t1.col_ine,  case when t2.col_ibi is null
then t3.col_ibi else t2.col_ibi end  from myschema.table_a t1 left join
myschema.table_b t2 on t1.col_ano=t2.col_ano Left join myschema.table_b t3
on t1.NUM_ENQ=t3.NUM_ENQ;
                                                        QUERY PLAN

 Unique  (cost=72377463163.02..201012533981.80 rows=1021522829864 width=97)
   ->  Gather Merge  (cost=72377463163.02..195904919832.48
rows=1021522829864 width=97)
         Workers Planned: 5
         ->  Sort  (cost=72377462162.94..72888223577.87 rows=204304565973
               Sort Key: t1.col_ine, (CASE WHEN (t2.col_ibi IS NULL) THEN
t3.col_ibi ELSE t2.col_ibi END)
               ->  Parallel Hash Left Join  (cost=604502.76..1276224253.51
rows=204304565973 width=97)
                     Hash Cond: ((t1.col_ano)::text = (t2.col_ano)::text)
                     ->  Parallel Hash Left Join
 (cost=300803.38..582295.38 rows=4857277 width=52)
                           Hash Cond: ((t1.col_ne)::text =
                           ->  Parallel Seq Scan on table_a t1
 (cost=0.00..184052.35 rows=2616335 width=53)
                           ->  Parallel Hash  (cost=243466.06..243466.06
rows=2965306 width=31)
                                 ->  Parallel Seq Scan on table_b t3
 (cost=0.00..243466.06 rows=2965306 width=31)
                     ->  Parallel Hash  (cost=243466.06..243466.06
rows=2965306 width=34)
                           ->  Parallel Seq Scan on table_b t2
 (cost=0.00..243466.06 rows=2965306 width=34)
   Functions: 19
   Options: Inlining true, Optimization true, Expressions true, Deforming
(17 rows)

//so.. the planner guess that those 2 join will generate 1000 billions

//so, I try to change stats

db=# alter table myschema.table_a alter column col_ano set
db=# analyze myschema.table_a;
db=# with ta as(select 'myschema' as s, 'table_a' as t), p as (select *
from information_schema.columns, ta where table_schema=ta.s and
table_name=ta.t),  tableid as(select relid from pg_stat_user_tables, ta
where schemaname=ta.s and relname=ta.t) select staattnum, column_name,
stanullfrac, stadistinct from tableid, pg_statistic join p on
p.ordinal_position=staattnum where starelid=tableid.relid order by
 staattnum | column_name  | stanullfrac | stadistinct
         1 | col_ne     |           0 |  -0.6694066
         2 | col_brg    |      0.0224 |           6
         3 | col_ano    |           0 |        -0.8
         4 | col_ine    |           0 |   -0.542651
         5 | col_cha    |           0 |          12
(5 rows)

db=# alter table myschema.table_b alter column col_ano set
db=# analyze myschema.table_b;
db=# with ta as(select 'myschema' as s, 'table_b' as t), p as (select *
from information_schema.columns, ta where table_schema=ta.s and
table_name=ta.t),  tableid as(select relid from pg_stat_user_tables, ta
where schemaname=ta.s and relname=ta.t) select staattnum, column_name,
stanullfrac, stadistinct from tableid, pg_statistic join p on
p.ordinal_position=staattnum where starelid=tableid.relid order by
 staattnum |   column_name   | stanullfrac | stadistinct
         1 | col_nerg    |           0 |      166151
         2 | col_ibi     |           0 |      374699
         3 | col_imi     |           0 |      394296
         4 | col_ipi     |           0 |      404515
         5 | col_ne      |           0 | -0.47193906
         6 | col_ano     |           0 |        -0.8
(6 rows)

//doing the explain of the joins again

db=# explain  select distinct t1.col_ine,  case when t2.col_ibi is null
then t3.col_ibi else t2.col_ibi end  from myschema.table_a t1 left join
myschema.table_b t2 on t1.col_ano=t2.col_ano Left join myschema.table_b t3
on t1.NUM_ENQ=t3.NUM_ENQ;
                                                        QUERY PLAN

 Unique  (cost=62824833042.98..174732492390.53 rows=888686328950 width=97)
   ->  Gather Merge  (cost=62824833042.98..170289060745.78
rows=888686328950 width=97)
         Workers Planned: 5
         ->  Sort  (cost=62824832042.91..63269175207.38 rows=177737265790
               Sort Key: t1.col_ine, (CASE WHEN (t2.col_ibi IS NULL) THEN
t3.col_ibi ELSE t2.col_ibi END)
               ->  Parallel Hash Left Join  (cost=604274.78..1148041043.61
rows=177737265790 width=97)
                     Hash Cond: ((t1.col_ano)::text = (t2.col_ano)::text)
                     ->  Parallel Hash Left Join
 (cost=300691.39..581280.67 rows=4424044 width=53)
                           Hash Cond: ((t1.col_ne)::text =
                           ->  Parallel Seq Scan on table_a t1
 (cost=0.00..184049.73 rows=2616073 width=54)
                           ->  Parallel Hash  (cost=243427.84..243427.84
rows=2961484 width=31)
                                 ->  Parallel Seq Scan on table_b t3
 (cost=0.00..243427.84 rows=2961484 width=31)
                     ->  Parallel Hash  (cost=243427.84..243427.84
rows=2961484 width=34)
                           ->  Parallel Seq Scan on table_b t2
 (cost=0.00..243427.84 rows=2961484 width=34)
   Functions: 19
   Options: Inlining true, Optimization true, Expressions true, Deforming
(17 rows)

//almost equivalent.
//temp_file_limit is set to 210 GB.
// if I run the request, or explain analyze it (same thing) the disk
occupation grows of 1.1 TB, and the RAM occupation grows until oom kills
//BTW, if I simplify the select to keep only the first join, the number of
estimated rows is still ""huge"" and I didnt try to execute it.


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