Problem solved - thanks Depez!  (The solution for now is to downgrade to 
PGadmin4 version 7.2)

> On 13 Jul 2023, at 13:52, hubert depesz lubaczewski <> wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 13, 2023 at 01:20:03PM +0200, Carl Erik Eriksson wrote:
>> If I enter a query like  select count(*) from table_1    I get a correct 
>> response from the server
>> If I enter select * from table_1 I get an error message that I do not 
>> understand:
>> Error Message:missing FROM-clause entry for table "rel"
>> LINE 8: ...ER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_constraint con ON con.conrelid=rel.oid
>> PSQL tool (PGadmin on my Mac)
>> However if I enter the same from the PSQL tool  I get the correct output.
>> But that output goes to my screen and I have found no way of directing it to 
>> a file on my Mac.
>> Any suggestions?  Either getting rid of the error message and getting the 
>> output to my screen within the Query tool where I can then dump the output 
>> to a file
>> OR a way of running my query using the PSQL tool and redirecting the output 
>> to a file on my computer.
>> An amateur who is up a creek without any paddle..
> Which pg version you're on?
> Generally, try updating to newest pgadmin, from git repo
> (, there is/was a bug that
> caused problems when using pg < 11 :
> Best regards,
> depesz

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