For some reason, I was thinking the rule could see just the fields from the 
command, but you’re right; a rule won’t work. Sorry.

Guyren G Howe
On Aug 15, 2023 at 23:22 -0700, Russell Rose | Passfield Data Systems 
<>, wrote:
> I have just had a quick look at rules and I am not sure how it can be done. 
> Rules still use the concept of NEW and OLD. If my original row has 'myfield' 
> set to 'me' then I don't think I can tell the difference between:
> Update mytable set afield='something'
> and
> Update mytable set afield='something',myfield='me'
> Within the rule I think NEW.myfield will be set to 'me' in both cases. Please 
> can you explain how I can tell the difference between the two update 
> statements

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