we test database migration to new db servers from version 12 to 15 and a
problem with logical replication stopped us.

In the current code (PGSQL ver 12), we use a function with SECURITY DEFINER
for refreshing subscriptions:
   execute 'alter subscription ' || sSubName || 'REFRESH PUBLICATION';
   raise notice 'Subscription % refreshed', sSubName;

The function is called during a deployment of a new version of our
application when a deploy service account (NON-SUPERUSER) ENABLE and
REFRESH subscriptions at the end of the deploy.

In version 15, unfortunately, we get the following error:
ERROR: ALTER SUBSCRIPTION ... REFRESH cannot be executed from a function

I found only one discussion about this problem, where as a workaround is
suggested using of dblink (

Is there any other possibility or a recommendation to solve this case?

ALTER SUBSCRIPTION ... REFRESH cannot be executed from a function in all
PGSQL versions 14+?

Thanks in advance for your help.
Roman Sindelar

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