On 12/22/23 15:09, Wilma Wantren wrote:
Thank you for your response!
No, this does not help me. I will try to explain better what I mean. Our 
customers use our program with a Postgres database, user and schema, which have 
the same name. The customer chooses the name. Let's say one customer calls the 
database, user and schema 'my_things'.
I want to create scripts for the customers with which they can export the 
schema and import it into another database with a new schema name, let's say 
one customer wants to import it as 'my_things1' (this schema belongs to 
database 'my_things1').
The export script calls pg_dump to export schema 'my_things'.
The import script calls pg_restore to restore schema 'my_things' in database 
'my_things1' and then calls psql to change the schema name to 'my_things1'.
Now there is function1 which its search_path set to 'my_things'. Because the 
search_path is still set to 'my_things' after renaming the schema the script 
must now call psql to change the function's search_path to 'my_things1'.
This is not just one line more in the import script.
It is a fact that I must know - if I did not know about function1's search_path 
then there would be an error in the schema after renaming the schema.
And imagine if one day a colleague of mine implements a new function which 
needs a search_path but the colleague forgets to adjust the import script then 
again there is an error in the schema after renaming the schema.
Therefore it would be great if there was a variable which I could set in a search_path (like the 
variable "$user") which denotes the function's schema and which is only evaluated when 
the function is executed, i.e. the variable would be the value of the function's search_path in the 
function's meta data. This variable, e.g. "$function_schema" would still denote the 
correct schema after renaming the schema.

There is no such variable. What you have available is what I showed before:



     Add or change the assignment to be made to a configuration
parameter when the function is called. If value is DEFAULT or,
equivalently, RESET is used, the function-local setting is removed, so
that the function executes with the value present in its environment.
Use RESET ALL to clear all function-local settings. SET FROM CURRENT
saves the value of the parameter that is current when ALTER FUNCTION is

executed as the value to be applied when the function is entered.

     See SET and Chapter 20 for more information about allowed parameter

names and values.

The alternative is to create a migration process using scripts with variable substitution outside the database. I do something similar using Sqitch(https://sqitch.org/) and its template system:


Adrian Klaver

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