On Mon, Jul 30, 2007 at 07:26:45PM -0400, Tom Allison wrote:
> pg_dump does not support SSL connections?

pg_dump sits atop libpq, which can use SSL if PostgreSQL was built
with SSL support.

> I have been using pgsql with ssl connections to my database.
> But when I tried pg_dump I was hit with the "no ssl" error message.

What was the exact command and the exact error message?

> Didn't see an option for it in the RTFM so ..  Am I correct in  
> assuming that pg_dump/pg_restore are not supposed to run via ssl?

No, that's not correct; pg_dump can use SSL just as any other libpq
application can.  Are you sure your pg_dump is linked against an
SSL-enabled libpq?  Have you tried setting the PGSSLMODE environment
variable?  What version of PostgreSQL are you running?

Michael Fuhr

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