Hi all,

I'm using ulogd with PostgreSQL which stores IP addresses as 32bit unsigned integers. So when I select some data I get something like:

ulogd=> SELECT id, ip_saddr, ip_daddr, raw_pktlen, ip_totlen, tcp_window FROM ulog LIMIT 20;
 id |  ip_saddr  |  ip_daddr  | raw_pktlen | ip_totlen | tcp_window
  1 | 3232235874 | 1074534522 |         46 |        46 |      25825

Where 'ip_saddr' and 'ip_daddr' are 'bigint'. I know I can convert these numbers to dotted-decimal in perl with a small script like:


# This would be the number read from the DB
my $num=3232235874;

# Now do the math
my $temp=$num/256;
my $D=256*($temp-int($temp));
my $C=256*($temp-int($temp));
my $B=256*($temp-int($temp));
my $A=int($temp);
my $ip="$A.$B.$C.$D";

# Print the results
print "'num': [$num] -> 'IP': [$ip]\n";

What I would like to do is create a function that would do the same thing so I could read out the IP addresses as standard dotted-decimal format. Could anyone help me with this? I am quite the n00b when it comes to functions. :)

Thanks all!


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