I apologize for resending this but my editor in combination with Yahoo's web 
mail interface horribly mangled it...

>----- Original Message ----
>From: Magnus Hagander <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: Shelby Cain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Cc: Alvaro Herrera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Terry Yapt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 
>Sent: Friday, August 24, 2007 1:08:44 AM
>Subject: Re: [GENERAL] FATAL: could not reattach to shared memory (Win32)
>Not that wild a guess, really :-) I'd say it's a very good possibility -
>but I have no idea why it'd do that, since all backends load the same
>DLLs at that stage.

Assuming this is an issue with shared libraries, I think it would have more to 
do with the way Windows resolves address conflicts on process startup than 
anything caused by explicit calls to LoadLibrary().  Looking at postgres.exe 
with the dependency viewer from Visual Studio 6, I see that the following 
shared library dependencies embedded in the executable image that having 
conflicting base addresses.  If I'm not mistaken, Windows will automatically 
relocate these libraries prior to actual code execution so there would be no 
opportunity for that particular instance of postgres.exe to map the shared 
memory if the address space is already in use by a relocated dll.

libeay32.dll - 0x10000000
libiconv-2.dll - 0x10000000
libintl-2.dll - 0x10000000
ssleay32.dll - 0x10000000
comerr32.dll - 0x1c000000
krb5_32.dll - 0x1c000000

I also found a KB article that addresses ERROR_INVALID_MEMORY being returned 
from MapViewOfFileEx().  


The article specifically addresses the concern where multiple processes must 
use the same address for mappings and how to accomplish that under Windows.  
Search for "Addresses of Mapped Views".  The only thing that really gives me 
any pause is the fact the article hasn't been updated past the NT 3.51/Windows 
9x era but the underlying behavior might not have been changed in Windows 


Shelby Cain

Boardwalk for $500? In 2007? Ha! Play Monopoly Here and Now (it's updated for 
today's economy) at Yahoo! Games.

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