On Thu, Nov 29, 2007 at 04:50:45PM +0000, Richard Huxton wrote:
> Surely this is what logrotate and syslog-ng etc are for. This is a 
> sysadmin problem not a DBA problem - any service can generate a lot of logs.

Yes.  But some have complained those things aren't Postgres-centric enough.
I don't see how, but some have argued strongly.  So I say, if there's a
demand, I've no objection to an add-on product (which could be especially
relevant if we get something like CPgAN); but not anything like additional
extensions to the existing logging infrastructure (what is there is nice,
because it provides things that the poastmaster alone may know; but
additions would be gilding the lily, except with pyrites).


Andrew Sullivan
Old sigs will return after re-constitution of blue smoke

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