On Dec 18, 2007, at 8:26 PM, Kevin Hunter wrote:

Hullo List,

This is aimed at everyone in this community who contributes to the
Postgres project, but especially at the core folks who continually make
this community great through energy, time, money, responses, and

I see lots of "Thank you"s go by for this problem or that conundrum
solved, but I don't think I've seen a general thank you for all that all
y'all do.  (If I've missed them in the blur of emails I get, I do
apologize.)  Thank you for all that you do.

Thank you for the countless times you've saved my butt from my own
stupidity.  Thank you for the absolute awesome help you've been while
tracking down bugs.  Thank you for signing the NDA without fuss and
searching my DB for a bug that I may have caused.  Thank you for
answering my frustrated emails at some ungodly hour of the morning (do
you sleep?!).  Thank you for engaging others in discussion, sometimes
beyond the point of annoyance ... your enthusiasm and love for the
project is duly noted. Thank you for constantly preaching "the right
way".  Thank you . . . well you get the drift.  I'll stop before this
turns into some chain-letter type ordeal.

The point is that I hope you realize just how much you all mean to the

I'll second and third and ... everything he just said! Over the past couple of years I've come to realize that PostgreSQL's greatest strength is that it is more than software, or even open source software -- the software is really just the gold nugget at the center of a vibrant community of individuals help, explain things, explain things again, explain things again :), crack jokes, get to know each other and so much more. To the core team: thanks for continuing to make this possible, to everyone: thanks for making it all happen!

Erik Jones

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---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

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