Geoffrey wrote:
Johan van Zyl wrote:
Please elaborate! (Many a true word spoken in jest<g>)
"That is until I can convince my new employer to realise the dark side
of Microsoft SQL Server."

It's the product of an evil company?  Let's see:

1. they are virtually a monopoly
2. they use their monopoly to tie folks to their product upgrade merry-go-round.
3. They purchase companies to destroy competition.
4. They generate FUD rather then innovate.
5. The Novell agreement?
6. They coerce computer makers to not only preload their operating system, but coerce them into promoting it.
7. the OOXML debacle?

The list continues, but I suspect you get my point.

You are assuming most people care.

1. You have to pay for the the OS.
2. You have to pay for the database.
3. You have to pay for any "extra" feature.

That is where you start.


Joshua D. Drake

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