Goboxe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Thanks Chris.
> How do I use *.sh & *.ik files?

The "*.sh" files are shell scripts that should run with any Bourne
shell; the *specific* intent is that they be invoked by the test
control script, "run_test.sh".

The "*.ik" files are (mostly) bodies of Slonik scripts; they require a
preamble that indicates cluster name and node connection information.

What you might want to do is to run the partitioning test.  You'd do
this by making sure you have PGPORT pointing to a postmaster with
Slony-I installed, and PGUSER set to a superuser, then, from the test
directory, run the command:

$ ./run_test.sh testpartition

This will run various scripts, using the ones in the "testpartition"
directory to control the test.

The script "generate_dml.sh" shows how any of the special scripts get

The point of this is that it represents a regression test that
verifies that various aspects of replication work in conjunction with
table partitioning.  You won't be able to take the code directly, but
the code does represent an automated test that builds a cluster that
involves partitioning, and adds in new partitions "on the fly."
let name="cbbrowne" and tld="linuxfinances.info" in name ^ "@" ^ tld;;
"The only thing  better than TV with the  sound off is  Radio with the
sound off." -- Dave Moon

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