Thanks if you started to look into this, but nevermind. I figured it out. Turns out I only needed to mark the function as STABLE:

"A STABLE function cannot modify the database and is guaranteed to return the same results given the same arguments for all calls within a single surrounding query. This category allows the optimizer to optimize away multiple calls of the function within a single query. In particular, it is safe to use an expression containing such a function in an index scan condition. (Since an index scan will evaluate the comparison value only once, not once at each row, it is not valid to use a VOLATILE function in an index scan condition.)"

-- Dante

D. Dante Lorenso wrote:

I have a weird situation where my index IS used when I use a query that hard-codes a value but it does NOT use the index when the value is returned from a PGSQL function:


    COALESCE(SUM(start_count), 0) AS start_count,
    COALESCE(SUM(end_count), 0) AS end_count,
    COALESCE(SUM(total_playtime), 0) AS total_playtime
  FROM audio_file_stats
WHERE afile_id = num2id(1173, 1075, 'audio_file', 'audio_id', 'afile_id')::bigint;

 Aggregate  (cost=118677.35..118677.36 rows=1 width=19)
-> Seq Scan on audio_file_stats (cost=0.00..118675.33 rows=268 width=19) Filter: (afile_id = num2id(1173::bigint, 1075::bigint, 'audio_file'::character varying, 'audio_id'::character varying, 'afile_id'::character varying))
(3 rows)


    COALESCE(SUM(start_count), 0) AS start_count,
    COALESCE(SUM(end_count), 0) AS end_count,
    COALESCE(SUM(total_playtime), 0) AS total_playtime
  FROM audio_file_stats
  WHERE afile_id = 48702;

 Aggregate  (cost=672.69..672.70 rows=1 width=19)
-> Index Scan using audio_file_stats_idx_afile_id on audio_file_stats (cost=0.00..670.73 rows=261 width=19)
         Index Cond: (afile_id = 48702)
(3 rows)


The function I use is defined as using returning a BIGINT which is the same datatype as is used by the index:

FUNCTION "public"."num2id" (in_acct_id bigint, in_value bigint,
  in_table_name varchar, in_input_column varchar,
  in_output_column varchar) RETURNS bigint

Can someone help explain what is being done wrong here?  I'm using 8.2.4.

-- Dante

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TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
      choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

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