That it had been her opinion, till now, she was not guilty of
Adam's sin, nor any way concerned in it, because she was not active in
it; but that now she saw she was guilty of that sin, and all over
defiled by it; and the sin which she brought into the world with her,
was alone sufficient to condemn her. 

On the Sabbath-day she was so ill, that her friends thought it best that
she should not go to public worship, of which she seemed very desirous:
but when she went to bed on the Sabbath night, she took up a resolution,
that she would the next morning go to the minister, hoping to find some
relief there. As she awakened on Monday morning, a little before day,
she wondered within herself at the easiness and calmness she felt in her
mind, which was of that kind she never felt before. As she thought of
this, such words as these were in her mind: The words of the Lord are
pure words, health to the soul, and marrow to the bones: and then these
words, The blood of Christ cleanses from all sin; which were accompanied
with a lively sense of the excellency of Christ, and His sufficiency to
satisfy for the sins of the whole world. She then thought of that
expression, It is a pleasant thing for the eyes to behold the sun; which
words then seemed to her to be very app

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

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