On Thu, Feb 14, 2008 at 04:48:33PM +0100, Hermann Muster wrote:
> Michael Fuhr schrieb:
>>> COALESCE(UPPER(SUBSTR("X"."Firma",1,7)) =     
>> I haven't examined the entire query but the above line appears to
>> be the problem.  Did you mean to write the following?
>>   COALESCE(UPPER(SUBSTR("X"."Firma",1,7)),'') =
> Yes, that's what I wanted to write. However, it only works when I change 
> the order of UPPER and SUBSTR in the statement.

I still don't believe that order of UPPER and SUBSTR is relevant
to the syntax error.  Please post two complete queries, one with
the order that works and one with the order that doesn't.

Michael Fuhr

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