On Wed, Feb 27, 2008 at 04:59:07PM -0800, shadrack wrote:
> This may seem like a very simple question...it is...but I can't find
> documentation on it to help. I've seen some posts about lat/long but
> none that give simple solutions on how to insert lat/long in tables.

See the PostGIS documentation, in particular Chapter 4 "Using PostGIS":


(The site isn't responding right now; hopefully it'll be available

> postgis=# insert into routes_geom values(1, 'J084',
> GeomFromText('LINESTRING(38.20 -121.00, 38.20, -118.00)', 4326));
> I receive this error:
> ERROR:  parse error - invalid geometry
> CONTEXT:  SQL function "geomfromtext" statement 1

There are two problems with the geometry string: the syntax error is
due an extra comma in the second pair of coordinates, and coordinates
should be (X Y) therefore (lon lat) instead of (lat lon).  Try this:

insert into routes_geom values(1, 'J084', GeomFromText('LINESTRING(-121.00 
38.20, -118.00 38.20)', 4326));

You might wish to subscribe to the postgis-users mailing list if you
have additional questions.

Michael Fuhr

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