On Sat, 8 Mar 2008, Guy Rouillier wrote:

The only thing I think I have a right to ask is that whatever contributions I may make not be a waste of effort because the PG decision-makers have decided that a certain repository is now "official", and the previous one is defunct.

Contributions to postgresqldocs.org are licensed such the author still retains copyright on that work. If you write something there and later decide some other site would be a better home for the documentation you wrote, you can copy whatever you did over. You should never work on documentation you want to contribute to the world with someone if you don't end up with the ability to use it elsewhere afterwards.

So I'd ask those decision-makers to come up with a single consistent story for us run-of-the-mill community members.

Right now the official home for community documentation is http://www.postgresql.org/docs/techdocs

I personally find editing and posting material there too difficult, which is why I'm writing on the postgresqldocs.org wiki instead. The PostgreSQL WWW team is investigating a more flexible approach as well. You can find a recent statement of their plans in this area at http://archives.postgresql.org/pgsql-www/2008-02/msg00217.php

If you're concerned about contributing to a site not officially under the banner of the PostgreSQL Global Development Group, by all means wait to see what they come up. There can't be a "single consistent story" from them and from "run-of-the-mill" me until they've built something that isn't available yet. Since I like to write but am not into that sort of infrastructure building task, I just keep chugging away at what I'm good at while I wait to see how that turns out.

* Greg Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.gregsmith.com Baltimore, MD

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