On Thursday 13 March 2008 5:36 am, rrahul wrote:
> Thanks to all you wonderful people out their. I don't know if its your love
> for Postgres or nepothism that makes it look far superior than mysql.
> But why does the client list dosen't tell that?
> I see Mysql bosting for Google,Yahoo, Alcatel......
> What about Postgres the list is not that impressive.

There is an old saying "If 'everybody' else is jumping off a cliff should you 
too?"  Years ago I played around with MySQL because that was what "everybody" 
was using. The problem was it did not do what I wanted and Postgres did. Be 
less concerned with marketing lists and more concerned with what the software 
can help you do. Draw up a list of things you need in a database and then use 
the previous answers to decide which database better serves your needs.

> Are their any major implementations that moved from Mysql to Postgres?
> Howmany out their have done this or will advice to do that?
> cheers,
> Rahul.
> --
> View this message in context:
> http://www.nabble.com/postgre-vs-MySQL-tp15976517p16024988.html Sent from
> the PostgreSQL - general mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Adrian Klaver

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