
there is a problem with foreign key (PG 8.3RC2). Please, look at below. I don't 
understand this behavior. Why this INSERT is ending with this error message. In 
my opinion, the key is obviously present. Thank you.

# INSERT INTO www_es_orderhead_cs(_status,_tmp_ip,_tmp_stamp) 

ERROR:  insert or update on table "www_es_orderhead_cs" violates foreign key 
constraint "www_es_orderhead_cs__tmp_stamp_fkey"
DETAIL:  Key (_tmp_stamp)=(2f980de9f2297c7902f3415f6537c6be) is not present in 
table "tmp_stamp".

# SELECT * from tmp_stamp;
       _ip        |              _stamp              |           _expired       
     | _var
 xx.121.111.31/32 | 2f980de9f2297c7902f3415f6537c6be | 2008-04-08 
17:49:33.193914+02 |
(1 row)

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