On Mon, Jun 23, 2008 at 2:21 PM, Steve Atkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> In real use you're unlikely to hit any limits, theoretical or practical,
> but if you start to use a silly number of tables and so on you're likely to
> hit performance issues eventually. I'm not sure where that threshold would
> be, but it's higher than "thousands".

Actually, the DB I have in mind would certainly be approaching "silly
territory."  I'm looking at a schema with around 10 thousand tables (or
views).  Unfortunately, as far as I can tell,
http://www.postgresql.org/about/ says nothing about maximum number of
tables.  I suppose I could always find what this limit is "the hard way", by
writing a script that just keeps creating empty tables and see where that
goes, but I'd prefer not to do something like this...

Anyway, thanks!  (And to Joshua too!)


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