Sam Mason wrote:
Do you really want the SUM of num1 and num2, because that makes it more
fiddly and would be where having MAX accept a record/tuple would be
best.  If you don't, maybe something like:

  SELECT DISTINCT ON (date_trunc('day', mydate))
      date_trunc('day', mydate), num, num1+num2
    FROM mytab
    ORDER BY date_trunc('day', mydate), num DESC;
Unfortunately, I need:

- the SUM of some values, grouped per day
- the MAX of some other value, grouped per day
- the timestamp where the MAX above happened (per day, of course)

The "num" columns are events, and sometimes I need to know not only the amount of a certain event per day, but also WHEN the MAX of some event happened...

I guess I have to use a Composite Type (something like "numeric, timestamp") + user defined aggregate?

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