On Mon, Dec 15, 2008 at 11:02 PM, sai srujan <creativesru...@gmail.com> wrote:
>  Hi....
>               This is srujan and I am beginner of postgresql 8.1 and I have
> just stopped using mysql and i would like to use the dump (.sql file)
> created in it. I would like transfer the databases in my sql to postgresql
> 8.1. Please do reply. I am waiting for it.

If possible, go ahead and jump right into 8.3.5.  There's been quite a
few improvements over 8.1 in it.  And unlike Oracle, when a new pg
version is released, it's considered to really be production ready
right away, or at least within a month or so.  8.3.5 is a year old
now, and we've been running 8.3 in production since 8.3.3 came out and
it's fantastic.

The easiest way to transfer your database over is to dump the schema
first, and get that working on pgsql.  Beware mysqlisms, like quoting
identifiers with back ticks (worst idea ever really) and odd type
names, like tinyint or unsigned ints.  None of that stuff is standard.

Once you've got your schema to import, then dump the data from mysql
as either CSV or insert statements, whichever is easier, and import
that.  You might need to whip up some skills in perl, bash, php, awk,
or sed to massage your data to go in right.

And if you get stuck, post here...  Best of luck.

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