On Apr 11, 2009, at 10:49 AM, li...@mgreg.com wrote:

On Apr 11, 2009, at 11:39 AM, Raymond O'Donnell wrote:

The answer is still "no". :-)

The usual thing it to connect to the "postgres" database (or to
"template1" in older versions of PG), and then you can issue queries to
see what's there. You're pretty much guaranteed that one of those
databases will exist (they're created by initdb), unless whoever
installed the server did something strange.


Hrm...Ok, well, for the record, I'm moving some systems from MySQL to Postgres and am in the process of getting familiar with it. I was hoping there were some higher level management items like "show databases", and "show tables", etc in Postgres as well. I also didn't want to depend on there being a table there that I needed to "get in the door" with, so to speak. I'm guessing no one in the community sees this addition as desirable (or feasible)?

PostgreSQL works at some points slightly different, however connecting to a database weather it's template1 or postgres makes sense once you know a bit more about PostgreSQL's internals.


Thanks for the replies,

                        regards, Ries van Twisk

Ries van Twisk
tags: Freelance TYPO3 Glassfish JasperReports JasperETL Flex Blaze-DS WebORB PostgreSQL DB-Architect
email: r...@vantwisk.nl
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