Thanks for all the replies, I'm picking this one to reply to.  Winner!

On Fri, 24 Apr 2009 13:40:29 -0400
Brad Nicholson <> wrote:

> On Fri, 2009-04-24 at 12:01 -0500, Josh Trutwin wrote:
> > I've been asked to put together a list of reasons to upgrade a db
> > from 8.1 to 8.3 and I've looked over the changelog, but they want
> > a bullet list of 4-5 top things.  I'm curious what others would
> > say the most 5 important updates from 8.1 to 8.3 are. 
> What is the reason that you want to upgrade?  Do you have a
> particular problem you are trying to solve?  Are there improvements
> for developers that you think will be beneficial, or are you simply
> wanting to upgrade from a 4.5 year old DB platform?  

We manage about 12 different boxes, 10 of the 12 are on 8.3, the
other two 8.1 with this being one of them, the other one is scheduled
for upgrade when new h/w arrives.  _Our_ reasons are supporting one
platform at a time, updates to the PL language, COPY TO from
SELECT, improvements to performance (less "why is this so slow?"
questions are always good).  What prompted this was someone checked
in a change that used JUSTIFY_INTERVAL in a query and that crunked on
8.1 so we tried to get the 8.3 upgrade ball rolling and were met with
the list of demands.  :)

These replies and more going over the changelogs helped me add more
evidence to push for the upgrade.



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