Hi everyone,

I am new to PostGreSql but I have to use it at work. I have to take
backups of the database every 10 mins so that work isn't lost in case
of an accident. I use PostGreSql v8.1 on Windows XP.

I have already set up a system that automatically takes the backup of
the database every 10 mins. I did this using a batch file script set
up in scheduled tasks to run every 10 mins. The command I used inside
the batch file is:
pg_dump dbname -U postgres -o > backup_file_name

I tested the system and it works correctly but I know that in the live
server the pg_dump command will take a long time to execute. I know
that I should use a 'point in time recovery backup' but I am confused
how to exactly go about it as I am new to PostGre.

I searched the web and I know I should get a snapshot of the
filesystem and then backup the WAL archive logs but this is the part
where I am confused. I do not know of any open source backup utilities
that can take snapshots of the filesystem. I get the overall concept
of online backups but I am still unclear EXACTLY how the system works.
I would be grateful if anyone could explain it to me. I have already
gone through the postgresql document on online backups.

I know that taking the backup of the whole database every 10 minutes
is a very bad way to go about it but until I find a better way to do
it, it will have to do for now. Any suggestions/tips/articles on how
to do the backup would be appreciated very much.

Thanks in advance,

PostGre Newbie.

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