Hi all,

Is there any way, to know the name of indexes on a table, defined in a database. I mean can I query something like Select Index_name from pg_class where relname = "Table_name" . Thanks in advance.

---  Thanks & Reagrds  ----
Anirban Pal  |  Software Engineer
Newgen Software Technologies Ltd.
Contact: (011) 26815467-72 | Extn: 177

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Just take a look at the system catalogs, you'll find the view pg_index as well http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.3/static/catalog-pg-index.html

        nmsp.nspname AS schemaname,
        tcls.relname AS tablename,
        icls.relname AS indexname
                JOIN pg_class AS icls ON pg_index.indexrelid = icls.oid
                JOIN pg_class AS tcls ON pg_index.indrelid = tcls.oid
                JOIN pg_namespace AS nmsp ON tcls.relnamespace = nmsp.oid
        nmsp.nspname NOT IN ('pg_catalog', 'pg_toast')
        schemaname ASC,
        tablename ASC,
        indexname ASC;

Kind regards,

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