2009/6/23 David Fetter <da...@fetter.org>

> On Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 03:38:35PM +0800, Prasad, Venkat wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > Please can you assist on following questions.
> This is an issue for pgsql-general, where I'm redirecting this.
> >
> > * do you any tool to check postgreSQL database integrity check?
> No more than Oracle does.  We get it right in the first place.  The
> existence of "integrity checking" tools means the DBMS is done with
> high incompetence.

   It depends on what you mean by integrity.  If you mean "Does the database
have the data I THINK it's supposed to have".. that's all up to you when you
design your schema (FK's, Unique, etc..) and your app developers:

    'Where thou wouldst type foo, someone else would surely type

   If you're asking "Does the database have the ability to verify that
whatever is in a block is what was put into that block", then Oracle has
block check-summing (I'm not sure if this got into PG 8.4 or not...) .  I'm
not sure if there is a checksum on the datafiles themselves, but I would
guess in the affirmative when talking Oracle.

> > * how do we confirm that dump file is proper data?

  This is talking about "Does the database have what I think it
should?" and can't really be done unless you had some auditing system
setup to compare it to.


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