Andreas Kretschmer <> wrote:

> There is a question in the german pg-forum:

> It is possible to add a comment on a constraint, but \dd doesn't display
> that comment. There is also a old question in this mailing-list without
> an answer:

> I think, this is a bug, isn't it?

Why? The man page for psql clearly says:

|        \dd[S] [ pattern ]
|              Shows the descriptions of objects matching the
|              pattern, or of all visible objects if no argu-
|              ment is given. But in either case, only objects
|              that have a description are listed. By default,
|              only user-created objects are shown; supply a
|              pattern or the S modifier to include system ob-
|              jects. ‘‘Object’’ covers aggregates, functions,
|              operators, types, relations (tables, views, in-
|              dexes, sequences), large objects, rules, and
|              triggers. [...]
So no comments are shown for constraints or table columns
or ...


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